ExxonMobil Has A History Of Hiding Its Knowledge On Climate Change Science

“ExxonMobil shareholders have filed a class-action lawsuit against the company, alleging it misled its investors and the public by failing to disclose the risks posed to its business by climate change.”

Gronda Morin

Image result for photos of exxon executives in court

ExxonMobil has for years been acting like the cigarette companies of old by pretending to the detriment of the American peoples that climate change worries are overstated. Just as cigarettes have killed prematurely many Americans as well as lowering the quality of their lives with ill health, companies like ExxonMobil have been doing likewise. Only the repercussions from not facing the reality of climate change will dwarf what occurred with the tobacco industry’s campaign to deny the potential harm to humans from cigarette smoking.

Even the ExxonMobil stockholders have filed suit against it because of the companies’ history of misleading the public about what their own scientists warned their executives about this issue of climate change.

Image result for photos of exxon executives in court

As per a 8/23/2017 the Verge report by Rachel Becker, “For decades, the oil and gas company Exxon Mobil has waged a public-facing disinformation campaign about human-caused climate change — even as the company’s…

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